BLACK holes, WORM holes, DARK matter, DARK energy, and SETI... OH MY!
bLaCk HoLeS--> are stars taht are at least 10 to 15 times the size of the sun. if a star that big goes supernova it might leave behind a massive remnant of the star. because there is no opposing force the gravitational forces the remnants calapse into itself. it soon collapses into the point of zero volume and infinate density, creating what is known as the P.O.S.
As the diensity becomes heavier the light rays comming from it are bent and eventually wrap around the star. Because no light escapes after getting to the P.O.S it is known as a BlAcK hOlE!!!!!!
wORM Holes--> worm holes are thought to wend a person to another area. Its like you would be walking and then u would fall into a warmhole and end up on the other end of the world.
DaRk MaTtEr--> its the unseen matter that could make up 90 percent of space. it cannot be seen. it deflects away from each other like magnets on the North/North side.
DArk EnerGY--> a hypothetical form of energy that increases the rate of expansion of the universe. dark energy currently accounts for almost three-quarters of the total mass-energy of the universe. Two proposed forms for dark energy are the cosmological constant, a constant energy density filling space and scalar fields.
AND SETI XD-->(or the search for extra terestrial life) life is thought to exist in different plants in other solar systems.